Counterpoint Software
4th Quarter/2011
Issue: 1
1 billion
In This Issue
New Features
Counterpoint Announcements
Have a Question?
Need Training?
Meet up!
What's New at Counterpoint Software


2011 is coming to a close. To help ensure that we all enjoy another prosperous year, in 2012, this issue of What's New at Counterpoint Software, is filled with to-do reminders and how-to's, new features and products to help your business, upcoming events and training opportunities, and information about our company and staff.

As we approach the rush that accompanies the holidays, all of us at Counterpoint, would like to take this time to wish you and yours, a very happy holiday season. We appreciate,and thank you for, your continual support.

Warmest Wishes,
Counterpoint Software
New Features

Proposal XML Export Announcement

Counterpoint is bringing you one step closer to the paperless office, with the new Proposal XML Export! With a single mouse click, your sales people can now email proposals directly to their buyers, at no additional cost to you. The Proposal XML Export instantly delivers proposals formatted to the industry standard, while cutting down on paper and toner in your office. The Proposal XML Export is available to all version 5.8 users.

New Way to Access Documentation

Traffic and Affiliate users will notice several new features and enhancements in the version 5.8 system that aim to increase efficiency, while continuing to provide an overall user friendly system; a goal Counterpoint always strives to achieve. One such enhancement is the ability to access documentation on, directly from your system, alleviating the need to open a web browser and enter a username/password. From the Help menu, version 5.8 users will go directly to our website by selecting Counterpoint Web Site>Documentation, or simply clicking the F1 key.

New Look of Release Notes

Counterpoint prides itself on continually evolving to meet the ever changing demands of our industry, while responding to the needs and suggestions of you, the customer. To keep you apprised of changes, and alert you to new features, we have changed the look of our release notes. Please contact for release information.

Keep reading What's New at Counterpoint Software, for more features version 5.8 has to offer!

Not on version 5.8?

Contact about getting you upgraded today.


2012 Rate Card Reminder

The year is coming to an end, and as we look back on our 2011 accomplishments, and forward to an exciting 2012, it is once again time to create your Rate Card for the upcoming year. Please take a minute to review your current Rate Card, note any necessary changes, and create your new Rate Card for 2012. If you have any questions on how to do so, please email, and one of our System Consultants will be happy to assist you.

Pervasive 11 Upgrade

If you have not done so already, it is time to upgrade to Pervasive version 11. Pervasive has stopped any development on version 10, and no longer supports any version prior. Pervasive version 11 is required to upgrade to Counterpoint version 5.8, which offers many new features, like the Proposal XML Export, the ability to control what is exported through new Affiliate Avail controls, and the Affiliate Management System, as well as enhancements in speed and performance, for all of your Traffic and Affiliate Departments. For information and quotes on upgrading your network to version 11, please email


Anna Dow promoted to VP, Services & Support

In recognition of her dedication to Counterpoint and our clients, Anna Dow has been promoted to Vice President, Services & Support. Anna joined Counterpoint in 2003, and took on the role of Service Manager, in 2005. Since then, Anna has done an impeccable job both managing her department and multiple projects, as well as providing consistently excellent support for all of our clients.

Have a Question?
To get answers to your questions fast, email our System Consultants, at

Support Hours:
8a Eastern - 7p Pacific
Monday through Friday

Need Training?
Whether you have a new hire, a new backup, are using new features, or just need a refresher course, Counterpoint is here to help! With new training options, getting the training your network needs is easier than ever.

Schedule an on-site visit to train, or review current procedures, or an on-line session tailored to your needs today, by emailing saraschones@counterpoint.
Meet Up

Las Vegas 2012

Mike Rooney and Melinda Pomeroy look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas at the April 2012, NAB!

Please email, to set up a meeting to discuss where the industry is heading, and how Counterpoint can help you get there.